The VJ hemp Farm

In the past, our grandfather worked the land, mainly raising cattle and growing hay. Every few years some of our woods would be cleared of mature pine trees and sold to a mill. In conceptualizing our modern farm operation, we looked to non-traditional commodities as well as commodity markets that consider the wellbeing of our planet at the forefront of development.

The opening of the industrial hemp market to Texas’ producers changed the face of our farm almost immediately. Fences came down, old pastures rejuvenated, land was leveled and greenhouses were erected. Countless hours of research and multiple state fact finding missions filled our agendas for the past few years. But proudly we can say, we have the eighth hemp producers license in the state of Texas.

Our days are now filled with early morning watering and checking the fields. Greenhouses and flowering rooms have fans humming, while our hemp plants bask under the lights. As both our farm and our plants grow, we are also cultivating our business to bring the highest quality hemp to market. To say we are excited to be a pioneer in the Texas hemp market would be an understatement!

Cheers Y’all.  

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